Styrofoam Densifier VS Styrofoam Compactor

With the development of styrofoam recycling activities in various regions, styrofoam recycling machines are already well known by most people in the United States. At present, there are mainly two popular ones on the market- styrofoam densifier and styrofoam compactor. So what are the differences between these two Styrofoam recycling machines?

Working Principle

As a useful recycling machine to treat waste Styrofoam, the cold-press Styrofoam compactor first cut the Styrofoam into pieces, then compresses the Styrofoam through the physical extrusion of the screw, reducing both the volume and the transportation cost. 

While the function of the hot-melt Styrofoam densifier is like that of the compactor, the working principle is different. The Styrofoam densifier makes the waste melt in the screw and extruded through the discharge port by means of screw conveying, which adopts a combination way of physics and chemistry. 

Based on the above working principle, you may have a general understanding of the two types of Styrofoam recycling machines, but you may still not sure how to choose the right machine to start your recycling business. Here comes the detailed comparison of the pros and cons between these two machines. 

Advantages of Cold-press Styrofoam Compactor

1. No smell

Due to there is no heating, the internal properties of the material will not be broken so that the cold-press compactor will not emit any odor.

2. Aqueous Styrofoam recycling friendly

It can handle aqueous Styrofoam, such as fishing box, fruit and vegetable box, etc.

3. Energy saving

The energy consumption is much smaller than that of the hot melting machine.

Disadvantages of Cold-press Styrofoam compactor

1. Smaller density of compression

Compared with the hot-melt machine, the density of compression reduces by about 200kg / m³-300kg / m³.

2. Debris appears during the Styrofoam recycling process

There will be debris in the process of cutting off, and the site management needs to be cleaned by special personnel.

3. Difficult operation 

Due to the different characteristics of materials, the internal parameters need to be adjusted, so the operator is required to have a certain understanding of the materials and the machine.

Advantages of Hot-melt Styrofoam Densifier

1. Simple operation

Just change the temperature, the densifier can be controlled smoothly.

2. High density of compression

Generally, the bulk density can reach 500-600kg / m³ after hot melting.

Disadvantages of hot-melt Styrofoam densifier

1. The smell of heated Styrofoam

There is odor in the process of hot melting.

2. Limitations of handling materials

When the material contains water, it can not be treated, resulting in a sharp drop in temperature;

3. High power consumption

Due to the existence of heating, the power is higher than the cold press

Styrofoam recycling is a good business opportunity to make extra profits, as well as to develop circular economy nationwide. Styrofoam recycling machine plays an important role in the waste foam recycling process, I hope the above information about the comparison between Styrofoam compactor and Styrofoam densifier can help you choose the most suitable machine.